
BizHawk SaveRAM

Super Mario World - Yoshi Coin Mod

This is a mod for Super Mario World to be used in conjuction with SethBling and Cooper Harasyn's SMW jailbreak. You can find more information about it on the SMWJailbreak subreddit.

Mod description

Before you can complete a level you must have collected five yoshi coins. If you did not collect enough coins you will die upon trying to complete the level. Some levels do not have five yoshi coins, those levels are exempted from the yoshi coin requirement. To prevent you from searching for yoshi coins that aren't there those levels are marked by a pre-filled yoshi coin counter. Collecting the midway point is disabled to prevent you from getting stuck in a level, it'll still make you big though.

Machine Code

.org $FF0700
AD BF 13 48 29 07 AA BF 4A 07 FE 85 00 68 4A 4A 
4A AA BF 52 07 FE 25 00 F0 0E AD 00 01 C9 14 D0 
28 A9 04 8D 22 14 80 21 9C CD 13 BD 2F 1F 25 00 
D0 17 AD 93 14 D0 05 AD 34 14 F0 0D A9 09 85 71 
9C FB 13 9C 34 14 9C 93 14 6B 80 40 20 10 08 04 
02 01 19 92 18 31 44 80 74 11 A4 00 0A 60


Levels without Yoshi Coins are indicated by a pre-filled coin counter.

If you don't have enough coins when you try to finish a level, you will die!

After collecting all five coins you are ready to finish the level.


AD BF 13   : LDA $13BF                ; Level Number
48         : PHA
29 07      : AND #$07
AA         : TAX
BF ?? ?? ??: LDA AND_TABLE, X         ; not position independent
85 00      : STA $00
68         : PLA
4A         : LSR A
4A         : LSR A
4A         : LSR A
AA         : TAX

BF ?? ?? ??: LDA EXEMPTED_LEVELS, X    ; not position independent
25 00      : AND $00
AD 00 01   : LDA $100                  ; game state
C9 14      : CMP #$14                  ; we are in a level
D0 28      : BNE END
A9 04      : LDA #$04
8D 22 14   : STA $1422                 ; yoshi coin counter display
80 21      : BRA END

9C CD 13   : STZ $13CD                 ; disable midway flag
BD 2F 1F   : LDA $1f2f,X               ; load byte from yoshi coin info array
25 00      : AND $00
D0 17      : BNE END

AD 93 14   : LDA $1493                 ; end level timer
D0 05      : BNE KILL
AD 34 14   : LDA $1434                 ; keyhole animation timer
F0 0D      : BEQ END

A9 09      : LDA #$09
85 71      : STA $71
9C FB 13   : STZ $13FB                 ; prevent freezing of animation
9C 34 14   : STZ $1434                 ; disable keyhole animation
9C 93 14   : STZ $1493                 ; disable end level timer

6B         : RTL

80 40 20 10
08 04 02 01

19 92 18 31
44 80 74 11
A4 00 0A 60


[1] SMWJailbreak subreddit
[2] Dragon Coin Guide by stromkind
[3] SMW Central - RAM Map
[4] Defence-Force: Oric Coding Appendix 2 - 6502/65816 opcodes